Bhagat Pipa

Sant Shri Pipa Ji Maharaj

King Pipa

Pipa Ji: From Royalty to Bhakti (Devotion)

In the vast kingdom of Gagraongarh stood a mighty fort, home to King Pipa Ji (Bhakt Shri Pipa Ji was once a king before dedicating his life to devotion to the Lord), a devoted worshipper of the Devi (Goddess).
One day, a group of sadhus arrived in the city. Welcoming them with great respect, the king said, “Every day, we offer forty maunds of food to the Goddess. Everyone partakes in her prasad—you too should accept her divine offering.
The sadhus, however, humbly replied, “Shri Thakur Ji is with us. We prepare food, offer it to Him, and accept only His prasad. We do not partake in offerings, meant for other deities.
Respecting their devotion, the king arranged simple ingredients for them. The sadhus cooked their meal, offered it to Shri Thakur Ji, and silently prayed, “O Lord, transform this king’s heart. Lead him to your true devotion.
Pipa Ji

How did King Pipa begin his spiritual journey ?

That night, as King Pipa slept in his grand palace, he had a terrifying dream.
A monstrous ghost seized him, hurling him down with great force. Overwhelmed with fear, the king woke up in tears. As dawn broke, he reflected on the dream, realizing it was no ordinary vision. A deep sense of detachment from worldly pleasures arose within him. His heart, once devoted to the Devi (Goddess), now yearned for the ultimate truth— Devotion to God (Shri Thakur Ji) Himself. 
Determined to seek enlightenment, he approached the Goddess and asked, “O Devi, what is the path to liberation from Maya? How can I attain the Supreme Lord?” 
The Goddess revealed the truth: “Seek out Acharya Shri Swami Ramanand Ji in Kashi. Accept him as your Guru, follow his teachings, and you will find the Lord.
After getting permission from the goddess, King Pipa immediately set out for Kashi.
King Pipa

Why was King Pipa denied entry into Shri Math ?

Upon reaching Shri Math, he longed for a glimpse of Swami Ji (Shri Swami Ramanandacharya Ji), but the servants of Shri Swami Ji stopped him: “None may enter without Acharya Shri’s permission. Please introduce yourself.” 
With humility, the king replied, “I am the ruler of Gagraongarh.” 
The gatekeepers conveyed his message, but Swami Ji remained indifferent. “We are renunciates,” he said. “What do we have to do with kings?
Realizing that his royal status was a barrier, King Pipa abandoned his luxurious attire and dressed in humble robes. Once again, he requested the servants for Shri Swami Ji, this time with complete surrender.
To test his devotion and to get rid of his “attachment” to the body, Shri Swami Ji ordered him to fall into the well.
Hearing these words, King Pipa’s heart filled with joy. Without hesitation, he stepped forward, ready to leap. But before he could fall, Swami Ji’s disciples caught him. Seeing his unwavering faith, Swami Ji was pleased and finally granted him darshan.
With divine grace, Acharya Shri Swami Ramanandacharya Ji initiated King Pipa into discipleship, giving him Mantra-Diksha and showering him with blessings. From that moment, King Pipa Ji’s heart filled with pure devotion, firmly rooted in the love of Shri Thakur Ji.
Swami Ji then gave him a sacred duty: “Return to Gagraongarh. Stay in your kingdom, serve the saints, and uplift the people. After a year, if your service brings joy to the saints and they bless your home with happiness, I will come to you myself.
With deep gratitude, King Pipa Ji returned to his kingdom. He dedicated himself wholeheartedly to serving the saints, ensuring they were honored and cared for with great love.
As the year came to an end, he wrote a heartfelt letter to his Guru: “O Gurudev, have mercy on your servant. Bless my home with your divine presence.
True to his word, Shri Swami Ramanandacharya Ji, accompanied by forty beloved devotees, set forth for Gagraongarh—where a grand welcome awaited him.

What did Swami Ji tell King Pipa about his devotion ?

Shri Swami Ramanandacharya Ji, accompanied by forty disciples like Kabirdas Ji and Raidas Ji, arrived near Gagraongarh. The news of Shri Gurudev’s auspicious arrival spread quickly, reaching King Pipaji’s ears.
Filled with devotion and excitement, Pipaji rushed to welcome him, bringing a grand palanquin. As soon as he saw Shri Gurudev and the saints, he humbly prostrated before each of them, offering heartfelt prayers.
With great enthusiasm, he showered them with generous donations of gold coins (Mohurs) and warmly invited the entire gathering to his palace.
Observing King Pipaji’s unwavering devotion and his sincere service, Shri Swamiji was deeply pleased and said, “Whether you Stay at home and serve OR Renounce everything for devotion, both paths will lead you to the same goal.
Trusting his Guru’s words completely, Pipaji fell at his lotus feet and prayed earnestly to keep him in his service (with him).
Shri Sita Sahchari

Did King Pipa renounce his kingdom ?

Determined to leave behind his royal life and follow Shri Swamiji, Pipaji prepared to renounce everything. To his surprise, all twenty of his queens also expressed their desire to join him on this spiritual journey.
But Pipaji, testing their resolve, said, “If you truly wish to accompany me, then tear off your waistband, remove your fine garments and ornaments, and abandon all worldly possessions. Wear the simple robes of a saint and come.
Hearing this, the queens hesitated, unable to make such a sacrifice, and soon they broke into tears.
However, among them, the youngest queen, Sita Sahachari, stood firm.
Without a moment’s doubt, she removed her jewelry, cast aside her luxurious attire, and donned the humble cloth of a renunciant.
King Pipa then gave another command, saying, “Now, even discard this cloth (of a renunciant) and keep only the bare essentials.” Without hesitation, Sita Sahachari obeyed, beginning to remove the last of her clothing.
At this moment, Shri Swamiji, witnessing her unwavering faith and surrender, was moved with compassion. He intervened and said, “Pipa, she has passed the test. Let her accompany you on this divine path.
And so, with his Guru’s blessing, Pipaji and Sita Sahachari embarked on their journey of devotion, leaving behind the riches of the world, for the eternal wealth of spirituality.
Shri Dwarkadish

How did Lord Krishna bless Shri Pipa Ji ?

When Shri Swami Ji set out for Kashipuri with his disciples and followers, Shri Pipa Ji humbly requested permission to stay in Dwarka for a few more days. Swami Ji granted his request, and Pipa Ji remained there.
During his stay, an intense longing arose within him to witness the divine Dwarkapuri of Lord Krishna.
Overwhelmed by devotion, he took a leap of faith and plunged into the sea. At that very moment, Lord Krishna, recognizing his devotee’s pure heart, sent divine attendants to bring him safely to His celestial abode. They received Shri Pipa Ji with great respect and led him to the Divine Dwarka.
There, Shri Pipa Ji was blessed with the darshan of Lord Krishna, who welcomed him with immense love.
Along with his wife, Shri Sita Sahachari, he spent 7 blissful days in the presence of the Lord.
After this time, Lord Krishna gently instructed them to return to the earthly Dwarka. However, they were lacking the desire to leave such a sacred place.
Sensing their hesitation, Shri Krishna, with great affection, reassured them, “The divine form of mine that you have seen here will always remain before you. Therefore, you will never feel the pain of separation.
Lord further explained, “If you do not leave, the devotees of the world will believe that great devotees like Shri Pipa Ji and Sita Sahachari were lost in the ocean. And if such a stain is cast upon devotion (भक्ति), how will it ever be erased?
Hearing this, Shri Pipa Ji and Sita Sahachari bowed before the Lord. As a divine blessing, Lord Krishna marked them with the sacred symbols of the Shankh (conch) and Chakra (discus).
Lord then personally escorted them out of the sea, ensuring their safe return.
When Shri Pipa Ji and Shri Sita Sahachari emerged out from the water, the people on the shore witnessed a miraculous sight—though they had been in the sea, their clothes were completely dry.
Those who had seen them enter the waters were astounded. Recognizing the holiness of the moment, they rushed forward, falling at their lotus feet in reverence.
Filled with gratitude, Shri Pipa Ji humbly placed the sacred Shankh-Chakra mark given by the Lord onto the bodies of the gathered devotees.
Word of this divine event spread quickly, and soon, a massive crowd began gathering in Dwarka each day just to have Shri Pipa Ji’s darshan.
However, the constant attention made it difficult to focus on bhajan and devotion. Shri Sita Sahachari gently advised Shri Pipa Ji, “It is time for us to continue our journey. The purpose of our sadhana should not be lost in the midst of this crowd.” 
Respecting her wisdom, they left Dwarka and continued their path.
Shri Sita Sahchari
Shri Krishna

What obstacle did Shri Pipa Ji and Shri Sita Sahachari face ?

Along the way, they encountered a group of Pathan warriors who, driven by ill intent, attempted to abduct Shri Sita Sahachari. Just as danger loomed, Lord Krishna Himself appeared, rushing to their aid. In an instant, Lord vanquished the wicked men and rescued Shri Sita Sahachari.
Once again, the Lord’s divine presence filled their hearts with joy, reaffirming His eternal promise to protect His devotees. With gratitude and devotion, Shri Pipa Ji and Shri Sita Sahachari continued their journey with unwavering faith.
Sant Pipa Shri Pipa Ji

Transforming a Ferocious Lion into a Gentle Vaishnav

As Shri Pipa Ji journeyed through the dense forests of Gujarat, a fierce lion—one that had already killed and eaten many people before—suddenly emerged from the shadows.


Lion’s powerful steps shook the ground as it advanced toward Shri Pipa Ji, its eyes burning with hunger and rage.


But the moment that animal came face to face with the saint, something miraculous happened.


Overwhelmed by the divine radiance of Shri Pipa Ji, the ferocious lion sat down calmly, as if it had become a pet. The saint’s divine presence had changed its heart. The deadly lion (feared by all) bowed its head and sat before him like a tame animal, its aggression melting away in an instant.


Shri Pipa Ji gently placed his hand on the lion’s head and spoke with deep compassion, “From this moment, you are no longer a wild beast—you are now a Vaishnav.”


The lion listened as if it understood every word. The same creature that once spread terror, now bowed its head in complete submission, transformed by the saint’s divine grace.

The Ultimate Example of Service

One day, the devoted Shri Chidhar Ji and his wife were overjoyed to see the great saint, Shri Pipa Ji, arrive at their humble home, accompanied by his wife, Shri Sita Sahachari. However, there was a problem—there was no food in the house to serve their honored guests.
Without hesitation, Shri Chidhar Ji’s wife (Shri Chidharani Ji) made a great sacrifice. She removed her lehenga, the only valuable clothing she had, and handed it to her husband. Shri Chidhar took it to the market, sold it, and returned with food supplies.
Placing the provisions before Shri Pipa Ji, he said with folded hands, “Maharaj, please prepare the meal and offer it to the Lord.
But this noble act left Shri Chidhar’s wife, Shri Chidharani Ji, in a difficult situation—without her lehenga, she was left without clothing. To protect her modesty, Shri Chidhar asked her to stay hidden in a small room.
Meanwhile, Shri Sita Sahachari prepared the meal, and after offering it to God, it was time for everyone to partake in the prasada.
As they all sat down to eat, Shri Pipa Ji turned to Shri Chidhar Ji and requested, “Please also call your wife. Let us all share the prasada together.
Shri Chidhar Ji hesitated and humbly replied, “Please proceed, Maharaj. She prefers to take the meal later, after everyone else.
Understanding his reluctance, Shri Pipa Ji turned to Shri Sita Sahachari and instructed, “Go and bring her. She must join us in partaking of the prasada.
Obeying his words, Shri Sita Sahachari went inside, but what she saw stunned her. Shri Chidhar Ji’s wife sat there, completely unclothed. Concerned, she gently asked, “Dear sister, why are you sitting like this?
With a calm smile, Shri Chidharani Ji replied, “Serving saints brings us the greatest joy. We live for their service, and nothing else matters. When the Lord’s devotees visit, their presence alone fills us with immense happiness. In front of such divine bliss, does it really matter whether this perishable body is clothed or not?
Hearing these words, Shri Sita Sahachari immediately understood the depth of her devotion. Without another word, she tore half of her own saree and handed it to her. Gratefully, Shri Chidharani Ji wrapped herself in the cloth, and hand in hand, Shri Sita Sahachari led her to where everyone was seated.
Together, they all shared the prasada, a moment of pure devotion.
Later that night, Shri Sita Sahachari recounted to Shri Pipa Ji, the entire incident, marveling at the extraordinary faith and sacrifice she had witnessed.
Thus, the unwavering devotion of Shri Chidhar and Shri Chidharani Ji became an eternal example of true service to saints. For them, no worldly attachment held any value when compared to the sacred duty of serving the saints.
Bhagat Pipa

A Miracle in the Night

After taking permission from Bhakta Shri Chidhar Ji, Shri Pipa Ji, along with his wife Shri Sita Sahachari, departed for the village of Tonde. There, they built a small hut on the outskirts of the village and began living in peaceful devotion.
One day, while Shri Pipa Ji went to bathe in a nearby lake, he suddenly noticed several large pots filled with gold coins. However, without a second thought, he left the treasure behind and returned home.
That night, he casually mentioned to Shri Sita Sahachari, “I saw pots filled with gold coins by the lake, but I left them there.” Upon hearing this, Shri Sita Sahachari immediately requested him, “Then please do not go there again for bathing.
Unbeknownst to them, a group of thieves was hiding near their hut, hearing their conversation.
Greedy for treasure, they rushed to the lake, expecting to find the gold. But to their horror, when they opened the pots, they were not filled with gold coins—instead, they were filled with venomous snakes!
The thieves were terrified and furious. They assumed that Shri Pipa Ji had deliberately tricked them into getting bitten by snakes. Fueled by anger and vengeance, they decided to teach him a lesson.
That very night, they returned to the lake, unearthed all the pots, and threw them forcefully into Shri Pipa Ji’s hut before fleeing.
By the divine grace of the Lord, a miraculous transformation took place overnight. The deadly snakes that once filled the pots had vanished, and in their place lay shimmering gold coins!
The next morning, when Shri Pipa Ji saw the scattered pots, he calmly opened them. To his surprise, they were overflowing with gold.
As he carefully counted the coins, he found exactly 720 gold coins, each coin weighing five tolas.

The Grand Feast for Saints

With this newfound wealth, Shri Pipa Ji organized a grand feast for saints and sages. He invited countless saints and, within just three days, spent every single coin serving them with food and devotion.
News of his incredible generosity spread far and wide, eventually reaching the ears of King Suryasenmal of Tonde.
Intrigued and deeply moved, the king decided to visit Shri Pipa Ji. The moment he had his darshan, he was overwhelmed with reverence and joy. Bowing with deep humility, he pleaded, “Please accept me as your disciple. I shall follow whatever command you give me.
Shri Pipa Ji looked at him and said, “If you truly wish to become my disciple, then bring all your wealth and your queens and offer them to me.
Without hesitation, the king surrendered his kingdom, his riches, and even his queens at the lotus feet of Shri Pipa Ji.
Shri Pipa Ji, however, merely smiled and said, “I accept them. From this moment on, this kingdom and these queens belong to me. You must no longer feel any attachment to them. However, by my command, you shall continue to rule over them, but without pride or possessiveness.
Turning to the queens, Shri Pipa Ji instructed, “From now on, dedicate yourselves to serving the saints.
The king, with utmost humility, then offered Shri Pipa Ji a magnificent horse and a large sum of wealth for the service of the saints. Shri Pipa Ji accepted only a portion of it and returned the rest.
Following his guru’s teachings, King Suryasenmal completely renounced his ego.
He began seeing every living being—humans, animals, and even the lowliest creatures—as greater than himself. His transformation was so profound that it ignited jealousy in the hearts of his own brothers and relatives.
However, they dared not say anything against the great and powerful Shri Pipa Ji.
Sant Pipa

The Miracle That Transformed Thieves into Disciples

One day, Shri Pipa Ji rode on the (gifted) horse to a nearby lake for a ritual bath. After reaching the lake, he dismounted and left the horse nearby while he went to bathe.
Seizing the opportunity, a group of wicked thieves sneaked in, grabbed the horse, and took it away to a hidden location, tying it securely. Convinced they had stolen it successfully, they left, satisfied with their stealing.
However, when Shri Pipa Ji finished his bath and returned to the shore, his horse was standing right where he had left it—untouched and unharmed. He mounted the horse and rode back to his ashram as if nothing had happened.
Meanwhile, when the thieves returned to check on the stolen horse, they were shocked—the animal had vanished from where they had tied it! Fear gripped their hearts. They realized this was no ordinary man they had tried to deceive; he is truly a divine soul.
Overwhelmed by the miracle, the thieves abandoned their life of crime and came to Shri Pipa Ji, falling at his lotus feet. With folded hands, they humbly said, “We wish to leave this sinful life behind and become your disciples.
And so, by the grace of Shri Pipa Ji, even the most wicked found their path to righteousness.