- Reading the below scriptural content " with patience " helps you get more juice from these topics. -
“ These days, A man has degraded himself to a great degree by becoming the puppet of passion and lust.
He has become an imitative machine. He has lost his power of discrimination.
He has sunk into the most abject form of slavery of lust in his life.
What a sad state!!
If he wishes to regain his lost divine state and Brahmic glory, his whole being must be transformed, his sex desire must be completely changed BY the divine thoughts and regular meditation on the Lord.
Transformation of the sex desire to the Self Realization / God Realization’s desire, is a very potent, efficacious and satisfactory way to realize the eternal bliss in this very lifetime.
How lust is root cause of the crimes ?
Read the history of the crimes –
- Robbery
- Rapes
- Kidnapping
- Assaults
- Murders – that come up for trial before the Sessions Courts.
Lust is at the root of all this. It may be lust for money or lust for carnal pleasure.
Lust ruins life, lustre, strength, vitality, memory, wealth, fame, holiness, peace, wisdom and devotion.
In our Today’s generation only the so-called man who has degraded himself much by indulgence in the lust. At the heat of sexual excitement, a person repeats the same ignoble act again and again. He has not a bit of self-control.
He is an absolute slave to passion.
He is a puppet in the hands of passion.
Like rabbits he procreates and brings forth countless children to swell up the numbers of beggars in the world. Lions, elephants, bulls and other powerful animals have better self-control than men.
Lions cohabit only once in a year. After conception, the female animals will never allow the male animals to approach them till the young ones are weaned and they themselves become healthy and strong.
Man ( a person of this age ) only violates the laws of nature and consequently suffers from innumerable diseases.
He has degenerated to a level far lower than that of animals in this respect.
brahmacharya - a bless!
- As a king is no king without a treasury, subjects and an army,
- As a flower is no flower without fragrance,
- As a river is no river without water,
- So also, A man is no man without Brahmacharya.
- Ahara ( Eating ),
- Nidra ( Sleeping )
- Bhaya ( Fear )
- Maithuna ( Mating ) are common to both animals and men.
That which differentiates a man from an animal is Dharma, Viveka and Vichara Shakti.
Jnana and Vichara can be secured only by the preservation of Veerya ( semen ).
If a man has not got these qualifications, he should really be reckoned as a veritable animal only.
If lust ( which is the so called enjoyment ) stopped to exists, then all worldly bondage, which has its pressure in our minds, will also stop to exist in our life.
Even the most virulent poison is no poison when compared to lust. You are a slave of passions and desires, emotions and attractions. When are you going to rise up from this miserable state? When?
- If you do not possess Viveka ( intelligence ),
- If you do not try your best for salvation ( moksha ),
- If you spend your lifetime in eating, drinking and sleeping, you are a horizontal being only, having to learn some lessons from those animals, which possess far more self-restraint.
understanding the importance of brahmacharya ?
- Money
- Semen.
Does everyone even provide this real understanding of celibacy ?
- Wonderful power of mind.
- Wonderful power of body.
- Wonderful power of the speech.
how to overcome the porn addiction / the solutions ?
Adult films, stories and Pictures are the traps developed by the Kaliyuga, to catch you and drag you more into the materialistic and sinful life deeply. These sinful reactions are enough for one to enter into the hells and suffer the deadliest punishments, for not a year but for several thousands of years.
One should also never go near to these pornographic films and get trapped by the Kaliyuga, that will give you repeated births and deaths with painful life.
There is no love in such contents. These actors are acting for money. No love and emotions are there.
You are only helping them to earn more by watching more and more such films.
These actors being involved in the pornographic shoots, are making karma – BAD, which will be liable for the sinful reactions in their THIS LIFE AS WELL AS THE NEXT.
If you watch these filth, you are adding the sinful karma in your account and who gives the guarantee that after watching and adding the bad karmas in your life’s account, you will not be entering into any one of the hells for the sufferings?
Even though leaving the habit of the watching the porn for the first few weeks may seem difficult, but as it is said to adopt any habit one should practice it for atleast 21 days, to form this as a habit of a life, to finally get away from this garbage for the lifetime forever.
Therefore one who watches the porn should not watch it for atleast the 21 days to get a result of leaving it forever ( patience is the key ).
You have to practice Self Determination in Bed early in the morning soon after waking up say to yourself as “ I will cooperate with my body to never lose the semen completely for 21 days. I want my semen & my body to be fully healthy.
Now the mind needs the replacement, in place of the porn, so what should be done in these 21 days ?
Below are the transcendental spiritual habits to adopt in the life on a regular basis ( everyday ) to get the rid of all the negative vibes and negative energy absolutely from the life,
1. As the first step, you should start sincere chanting of Hare Krishna Maha Mantra ( on the neem / wood beads if available ) ,Or Shri Radha Krishna Naam chanting or Shri Ram or Shri Hari Naam chanting, DAILY.
2. Read the writings about Sri Krishna that are abundantly available with us. Be it Bhagavad Gita Or Srimad Bhagavatam or any of Srila Prabhupada books.
When we read more about Sri Krishna, we will automatically develop taste in it. Once you develop taste in Krishna, you will gradually lose interest in these adult contents.
3. In addition to that have a check in your food habits and avoid rajas and tamo guna dominated foods like meat, onion, garlic, coffee, tea, etc. Have vegetables, nuts, milk, grains, etc. after offering them to Lord. Thus, even your food will purify your consciousness.
4. Moreover, our association is extremely important. Be it physical or through internet, the association with the saintly persons should be always there in your life. One spend most of his time in working, studying with highly materialistic people who always discuss about cinema actors, lust, physical beauty, etc. which is a reason for a negative urja in your life.
We can take the help of the internet to hear about the divine talks of Srimad Bhagavatam.
5. You should not remain alone. Always be busy in either some important tasks and when they are done take yourself more into the association of the Satsanga And Kirtana.
Don’t remain idle. An idle mind develops so much of unwanted thoughts.
We have a wonderful literature SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM that speaks everything about Sri Krishna. Srimad Bhagavatam is capable of freeing us from the lusty thoughts and acts. Such a powerful literature we have with us. We can read / hear it as many times as possible. It will never ever bore us.
Day by day, our desires in seeing these ugly and foolish acts and the thoughts related to genitals made up of flesh will go away.
If you really be faithful with all these spiritual activities which a roadway to the mental peace of life, the the master of senses Sri Krishna present as the Paramatma in your heart, will help you with his Kripa Shakti ( merciful glance ) to divert your mind from the garbage stuff to the real happiness of the life.
The only condition is that the above mentioned activities should be practiced regularly, while keeping away our eyes from going there.
As and when the mind even tries its best to go there, YOU with your strongest willpower should be able to escape that thought and YOU becoming the master of your mind ( not its servant ) you should guide it and make it under your control to let it engage in any of the above discussed activities.
Your will-power would makes the things way much easier.
are we developing the attachment for that opposite gender's body who has blood & a pus inside ?
A gentleman once told a jnani ( ज्ञानी ), that he misses his wife when he is at work. What did that ज्ञानी replied?
He replied: You fool! Would you lick pus off her hand, if she developed an abscess? Then, why are you so fascinated by a woman? This whole body is full of pus.
- Have you ever thought about what this body is made of?
- What is present inside of it?
- Is True love really possible with the bodies?
True love is that which never decreases – Which is Only possible with Shyamsundar Shri Krishna. A Selfless & A Desireless LOVE.
The sexual act gratification is nothing but eating garbage ( and that garbage which has already been chewed ). It is what we call – Chewing What Was Already Chewed.
How can this be food for the Soul? The Soul has no hunger, and no need for any external thing.
It is absolutely independent. The whole world is engrossed in an illusionary enjoyment. It is not a real enjoyment. Yet people believe it to be so.
If sexual pleasure was to be analyzed it would lead to severe nausea.
This body turns into ash, and then a new body is formed from the atoms of this same ash. This is the result of ashes from endless and unlimited lives / births of the past. It is NOTHING but REFUSE.
And sex here is the refuse of all refuse. It is the same old ash and the same old atoms merging together.
Even cooking utensils once washed, will look cleaner the next day. But what if you ate in the same utensils over and over without cleaning them? Is that not eating filth?
Say if you ate some delicious pudding, how would it look if it were vomited? Would it look pleasing enough for you to hold it in your hand? Even if the bowl was nice and clean and the pudding was delicious when you ate it. But if it were vomited? NO matter what happens, you would not eat that vomit.
And yet this other vomited stuff called sex or masturbation is taken in again. But this kind of awareness is absent.
If we count from endless number of births, men have always loved women and vice versa, but still the fascination in sex remains. When will this ever end?
Would it not be better if you just love your beloved Priyatam Sri Krishna, that all these difficulties would end?
Brahmacharya should be practiced with understanding. It will make your body good, strong, you would live longer.
Question: My only desire is to attain Brahmacharya. Please give me some strength and understanding for that.
Answer: For that you have to have a deep inner intent. Everyday, you have to say, “Dear Lord Krishna! Give me strength to practice Brahmacharya”.
And you have to get rid of the slightest thought of sex as soon as it arises. If not, a seed of this garbage will be sown. If allowed to remain, after two days it will kill you.
Hence uproot such a thought and get rid of it right away……
Next, make sure that you do not look with sexual thoughts at any woman. ( it requires a long term practice )
If your eyes happen to pull you towards a woman, pull them away from her, and try to see your beloved KRISHNA in all the women, and remember LORD KRISHNA is present in her as a Paramatma ( supersoul ) and ask for forgiveness.
When it continuously remains within that, that any element of sexuality is not worth pursuing then it will all be a clean farm, no seed will sprout. Even now if one stays under Lord Krishna’s shelter, then his goal of brahmacharya will be fully attained.
The one who definitely wants to practice Brahmacharya, must first examine and severely CONTROL his SENSES.
It is amazed at how an intelligent man finds gratification in sex or masturbation? When you analyze sex, it is like scratching an eczematous lesion. It is often to be wondered, is this all we have done in endless lifecycles?
Man has the wrong belief that pleasure exists in sex. Now, if you experience greater happiness and pleasure in something other than sex, then you would not seek pleasure in it.
Otherwise who would knowingly open the lid of a gutter?
If there were happiness in this piece of garbage, Chakravatis (kings of continents) with so many queens, would not have set out in search of real happiness (आत्म साक्षात्कार / Path of Loving God).
With Gnan, Self-realization and by loving Sri Krishna you attain eternal bliss. Still one must think about how filthy and dangerous sexual involvement is.
It is the disease of man to see a woman as a woman.
When there is no such disease we will not see her as a woman but see our beloved master Shri Krishna in his Paramatma swaroop in each and living being…….
- That supports your life
- Which is the prana of pranas
- Which shines in your sparkling eyes
- Which beams in your shining cheeks, is a great treasure for you.
- Out of food is manufactured chyle.
- Out of chyle comes blood.
- Out of blood comes flesh.
- Out of flesh comes fat.
- Out of fat comes bone.
- Out of bone comes marrow.
- Out of marrow comes semen.
- Falling of semen brings death.
- Preservation of semen gives life.
how does the eye contact & bad association destroys my purity ?
what are the few benefits of practicing the brahmacharya, from the many ?
A beginning phase - starting the practice of brahmacharya, with staying away from the sex / masturbation.
HOW TO GET ESTABLISHED IN brahmacharya ( celibacy ) ?
- Looking at the opposite sex will create desire to talk to them.
- Talking will create a desire to touch them.
- Eventually you will have an impure mind and will fall a victim.
- You should be chaste in your look.
- You should be chaste in your talk.
- You should See mother in all women.
- You should Cultivate sublime, divine thoughts of Lord Sri Krishna.
- Repeat the Lord’s Name ( chanting ) and meditate on Sri Krishna regularly.
- 1st – control the sex-impulse and sex-Vasana (sex-desire).
- 2nd – Practice conservation of sex-energy. Shut out all holes through which energy leaks.
- 3rd – Divert the conserved energy into proper spiritual channels through – Naam Japa ( Chanting of Sri Krishna’s name regularly ), Kirtan ( Listening / Doing ), selfless service, Pranayama (practice of breath-control), Read Bhagavad Gita & Srimad Bhagavatam regularly, vigilance, self-analysis, Hear the Katha and Listen about the pastimes of Sri Krishna from Srimad Bhagavatam.
- 4th – Have conversion of the sex-energy. Let it be converted into Ojas (spiritual energy) or Brahma-tejas (spiritual halo) through constant meditation on the spiritual and blissful beauty of Lord Sri Krishna.
how should i use my intelligence while having any attraction to the opposite gender ?
- See ( imagine ) the body without the skin and then the another awareness should arise and see the intestines within that body.
- Also you can see changes that occur within those intestines.
- You can see blood vessels,
- You can see fecal matter etc.
- You can see all these and refuse it this way.
which foodstuffs should to be consumed, while practicing brahmacharya ?
- Butter and ghee of cows
- Tender coconut water
- Coconut
- Almonds
- Pistachio nuts
- Toor Dhal
- Ragi
- Barley
- Maize
- Wheat
- Rice of red paddy whose bran is only partly removed
- Rice of good smell or sweet taste
- All preparations from any of these grains
- White pumpkins
- Milk
- Cheru ( Cheru is a mixture of boiled white rice, ghee, white sugar and milk )
- Dried ginger
- Green gram
- Potatoes
- Curd all comes under Sattvic diet for keeping up Brahmacharya.
forbidden food items?
- Highly seasoned dishes
- Hot curries
- Chutnies
- Chillies
- Meat
- Fish
- Eggs
- Tobacco
- Liquor
- Sour food
- Oil of all kinds
- Garlic
- Onions
- Bitter things
- Sour curd
- Stale food
- Acids
- Astringents
- Pungent stuffs
- Roasted things
- Over-ripe and unripe fruits
- Heavy vegetables and salt are not at all beneficial.