Dhanna Bhagat Ji

Dhanna Bhagat Ji

dhanna bhagat ki kahani
bhagat dhanna jatt

A Life of An Unwavering Devotion

In Dhuaan Village in Rajasthan’s Tonk district, lived the topmost saint, Dhanna Jaat Ji. Born to a farmer father known for his devotion to saints and sages, Dhanna grew up in a household steeped in spiritual traditions.


One auspicious day, a wise Brahmin visited their house. Little Dhanna, merely five years old, watched with curiosity as the Brahmin performed rituals for his deity, Shaligram Ji. Filled with excitement, Dhanna pleaded with the Brahmin, “Panditji! Please give me a deity too. I also want to worship!”


Though unable to grant the real Shaligram Ji, the Brahmin handed him a simple black stone and said, “Child, this is your God. Worship him with all your heart.” Overjoyed, Dhanna cherished his newfound deity, filling his days with devotion.

A Child’s Unshakeable Faith

Child Dhanna, with an unwavering spirit, imitated the Brahmin’s rituals, performing worship with deep sincerity. Isn’t it amazing how strong his devotion was at such a young age? Child Dhanna’s incredible journey with God was just a beginning.


One day, Dhanna woke up early, took a bath, and bathed his Thakurji. Lacking sandalwood, he applied a tilak made of clay on Thakurji’s forehead. He offered flowers, lit incense, and made a humble prayer to his beloved Lord. By noon, his mother prepared Bajra rotis for him. Dhanna placed the rotis before Thakurji and closed his eyes in reverence.


However, when Thakurji didn’t eat the rotis, Dhanna prayed sincerely. His sadness deepened as he thought, “My Lord must be upset with me.” Days passed, and Thakurji still did not eat. Child Dhanna, deeply troubled by his Lord’s silence, continued to fast, oblivious to his own hunger.

bhagat dhanna ji

Thakurji’s Divine Appearance

One day, when Child Dhanna offered rotis to Thakurji, Lord, moved by his pure devotion, appeared before him. As Thakurji began to enjoy the lovingly made rotis, Dhanna, seeing only half a roti left, grabbed Thakurji’s hand and exclaimed, “O Lord! You didn’t come all these days, leaving me hungry, and now you want to eat all the rotis alone? Won’t you share any with me?”


Thakurji, smiling, handed the remaining roti to Child Dhanna.


The Lord, who had relished Sudama’s humble rice, Vidurani ’s banana peels, and Bhilni ’s berries, could not resist the love and devotion in Dhanna’s offering.


From that day onward, Thakurji regularly enjoyed Child Dhanna’s offerings.

The Miracle of the Wheat Field

One day, Bhagat Dhanna Ji ‘s father sent him to sow wheat in the fields. On his way, he met some hungry saints who asked for food. Without hesitation, Dhanna Jaat Ji, always seeing Thakurji in everyone, gave them all his wheat.


Fearing his parents’ reaction, Shri Dhanna Jatt Ji acted in a way as if he had plowed the field and as if he had really sown the seeds. In the wheat field, he may have sown the seeds or not , but in the spiritual field he had sown seeds of devotion, where the stock never diminishes. To honor Bhagat Dhanna Ji ’s unwavering faith, the Lord performed a divine play. Mother Earth filled his field with abundant wheat.


When people praised Shri Dhanna Jatt Ji ’s miraculous crop, he thought they were mocking. But when he visited his field, his eyes widened at the sight of tall, shimmering wheat.


Overwhelmed with the grace of Thakurji, Dhanna Jaat Ji danced and sang the Lord’s name, filled with joy.

Initiation and Spiritual Growth

As Bhagat Dhanna Ji grew older, Thakurji advised him to take initiation to preserve the tradition.


Dhanna Jaat Ji traveled to Kashi, where he received a mantra from his spiritual master, Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Ji.


With his Guru’s command, Bhagat Dhanna Ji returned home and began to see Thakurji in everything, remaining engrossed in Lord’s memory.

A Life Devoted to the Lord

Bhagat Dhanna Jatt Ji ‘s love and trust in Thakurji were so deep that even without sowing seeds, his fields would yield crops.


Shri Dhanna Jatt Ji received the grace of his Thakurji and continued to dedicate his entire life to serving the Lord with unwavering devotion.