Is Egg Veg or Non-Veg​ ?

Egg – Is It Vegetarian or Non Vegetarian ?

Eggs are basically liquid flesh. The yolk, the yellow part of the egg, is the liquid flesh that can develop into a bird, and the white part is the nourishment for the developing bird.

Eggs contain a single unfertilized cell — The Yolk — that, if fertilized, has the potential to become a new and unique organism, which means LIFE.

Here is a video that clearly shows how an egg yolk, when properly fertilized, turns into a chick:

The most straightforward answer is that eggs come from chickens. They don’t come from aubergines or the offspring of mangoes.

When we speak biologically, the primary factor in deciding whether something is vegetarian or non-vegetarian lies in its origin.

Since eggs originate from the sexual organs of an animal, they are not considered vegetarian. Chickens produce eggs as part of their reproductive process. These eggs are essentially “menstrual blood”, which, when fertilized, develops into “chicks”. Therefore, eggs cannot be considered vegetarian under any definition of the term.

The Living Conditions Of Chickens:

Chickens don’t need to be killed for their eggs, right? While male and female chickens can be raised, only females lay eggs. This means around 346 million male chicks each year are disposed of by being “stuffed into plastic bags” and left to “suffocate.”

Most chickens spend their entire lives in,

Battery cages, stacked in layers inside huge warehouses.

Millions of one-day-old male chicks are killed each year (often in high-speed grinders called “macerators“) because they are of no use to the egg industry.

– The wire cages rub off their feathers, irritate their skin, and cause their feet to become crippled.

Broken bones are also very common among these birds.

– According to the International Veterinary Information Service, they suffer from significant osteoporosis.

What Happens to Chicks and Laying Hens ? :

The process of producing or harvesting the eggs inherently involves violence and cruelty towards the chickens. Every year, millions of “male chicks” and “laying hens” are killed once they no longer have reproductive value.

Here is a video that shows how the animal industry treats chicks with harsh cruelty and violence (WARNING: contains graphic footage):

Supporting the Cruelty of the Egg Industry:

Many people who follow vegetarian diets in today’s world often make excuses by allowing themselves to consume eggs, as part of an ingredient in a food product or their dishes, while not eating eggs “directly.”

If you think to yourself,

– What harm am I really causing by eating eggs ?

– What violence am I committing by consuming just one cookie, or one piece of cake, a slice of bread, or a small chocolate bar that has the “egg ingredients” in it? , then think deeply and think broadly!

  1. By saying YES to consuming products containing eggs, you are supporting an industry that is inherently “cruel to animals and birds”.
  2. You are contributing to the “cruel agricultural cycle” by consuming products made with eggs in any form.

Here are some videos that show just how cruel and ruthless the egg and meat industries can be in their treatment of these gentle and delicate creatures:

The Slaughterhouse Process:

Every year, over 100 million of the “spent” hens are killed in slaughterhouses.

Chickens raised, face a brutal end at the slaughterhouse. Before this dreadful journey, workers catch the chickens and put them into crates. One reporter at a Delmarva chicken farm described the process as “half a dozen men grabbing chickens by their feet and shoving them into the drawers of 6 foot high crates.”

Once the birds reach the slaughterhouse,

– They are dumped from their crates and hung upside down in shackles, which further injures their already tender and often broken legs.

Machines cut their throats, and they are placed in scalding-hot water to remove their feathers. Many chickens are still conscious during this entire process!!

How Common Are Foodborne Illnesses Linked to Eggs & Meat ? :

Foodborne illnesses (an illness that comes from eating contaminated food) affect over 48 million people every year and kill more than 3,000. According to Consumer Reports, over half of the chickens they studied were infected with “E.coli”, and nearly half tested positive for at least one type of “multidrug-resistant bacterium.”

Out of the 65 billion eggs collected from chickens each year, it’s estimated that over 2 million eggs are contaminated with “salmonella.”

As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns, “One contaminated egg can contaminate an entire batch of pooled eggs, putting everyone who eats eggs from that batch, at risk of illness.”


Eggs are without any doubt NON-Vegetarian since they come from an animal’s body and can grow into a fully developed chicken.

Eating eggs carries the same sinful karmic consequences (sinful karmic reactions) as eating the flesh of other animals.

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