Shri Bilvamangala Thakura​

Shri Bilvamangala Thakura​

Shri Bilvamangal Thakur Ji

The Past Life of Shri Bilvamangal Thakur Ji

In his past life, Shri Bilvamangal Thakur was a great Sanyasi and a devoted follower of Lord Krishna. His heart overflowed with Bhava (deep, unwavering love for Krishna). He found joy in organizing grand Srimad Bhagavatam festivals, where the air filled with sacred chants and the spirit of devotion. After the festival, he would personally distribute prasad to everyone who came to seek the Lord’s grace.

Shri Bilvamangal Thakur Ji​

The Sanyasi’s Search for Wealth

While organizing the grand festival of Srimad Bhagavatam, Shri Bilvamangal spent all his money in service. But as the celebrations continued, he needed more money to feed the devotees. Determined to find a way, he set out in search of wealth.
As he wandered, his path led him to a royal cremation. A young princess, at the age of 18, had passed away, and her grieving parents, along with the sorrowful citizens, stood in mourning. Her father, with a heavy heart, lit the funeral fire, and then one by one, everyone left.
The Sanyasi’s (Shri Bilvamangal Thakur) eyes fell upon her burning body — adorned with glittering diamonds and golden ornaments. A thought crossed his mind: “What is the use of all this valuable jewelry to the dead body of a princess? Would they not serve a greater purpose in the worship of Lord Krishna and the service of His devotees?”
So, he stepped forward, reaching for the precious ornaments — when suddenly, a voice pierced the silence.
“Stop it! Do not take them!”
He froze, his heart racing. It was the voice of the dead princess.
Her voice echoed once more: “If you seek wealth, go to my father, the king. Tell him I have sent you. Under my bed lies a box with great treasure. Ask my father for it and use that wealth to serve the devotees and Lord Krishna.”
Shri Bilvamangal Thakur Ji​

What Led to Sanyasi’s Rebirth ?

The Sanyasi (Shri Bilvamangala), joyfully approached the king and revealed what had happened. Listening intently, the king searched under the princess’s bed and, just as she had said, he discovered a great treasure. The king willingly donated all the wealth to the sanyasi.
The Sanyasi (Shri Bilvamangala) made Srimad Bhagavatam festival grand and divine by spending all the wealth.
But in the end, there was again a shortage of wealth. Desperate, he returned to the princess’s cremation site and took a diamond necklace from her remains.
As he turned to leave, a voice echoed through the silence of that dead princess:
“You have made a grave mistake by taking this necklace. Though you are so deeply devoted to Lord Krishna, I curse you to be reborn — to take birth one more time and live an immoral life.”
True to her words, in his next life, the once-pious sanyasi was reborn with an intense attachment to women. The princess, too, was reborn — this time as Chintamani, the prostitute who would change the course of his fate.
Shri Bilvamangala Thakura​

When Passion Became an Obsession

In his next life, Bilvamangal became a very rich man, but he was deeply entangled in worldly desires. His heart and mind were consumed by his attachment to a prostitute named Chintamani.
Such was his obsession that even during the sacred ceremony of his father’s death, he grew impatient, urging the priest, “Hurry up, finish it quickly! I must leave, I have somewhere to be.”
His true destination was none other than Chintamani’s house.

Chintamani – The Woman Who Altered His Path

One day it was his father’s death anniversary. He had to fulfill his duty as a son and he was going through the rituals. He was not at all interested in the rituals, but he could not say “NO” to them. At last it was all over by the end of the day. Some people advised him not to go to the prostitute’s house on the day of his father’s death anniversary since he had performed the rites! But He did not listen to them.
As he stepped outside, the sky roared, and a torrential downpour began. The roads flooded, but he didn’t care. He pressed on through the relentless rain, determined to reach her. Upon arriving at the riverside, he was met with another obstacle — the river was wild, its waves crashing fiercely, and no boat was in sight. “But his longing was stronger than his fear.” Without hesitation, he threw himself into the raging waters and swam across.
Meanwhile, Chintamani, assuming the storm would keep Bilvamangal away, shut her doors and went to sleep. When he finally arrived (drenched and shivering) he found the gate locked.
Undiscouraged, he searched for a way in. His eyes caught something hanging nearby — he reached out, grabbed it, and climbed over the wall. After that he realized, what he had used to pull himself up — it was a “snake.”
Chintamani awoke and asked in shock: “How did you get in?”
Bilvamangal recounted everything — his desperate journey, the storm, the river, and the snake. Listening to him, Chintamani sighed and said,
“You have such an intense desire for this body, one which is made of mere flesh and blood. If only you had this much attachment for Lord Krishna, you would have attained the highest bliss.”
Her words struck him like lightning. Without a word, without hesitation, Bilvamangal turned and walked away, leaving behind the life he once knew.
Shri Bilvamangala Thakura​

A Journey to Vrindavan

By the words of Chintamani, Bilvamangal became disinterested in the world. A sudden disinterest in worldly pleasures took root, and he resolved to leave everything behind and dedicate his life to worshiping Shri Krishna in Vrindavan.
Determined, he set out on his journey. But as he walked, his old habits clung to him like shadows. His eyes fell upon a beautiful woman, and without thinking, he found himself following her. A sharp realization struck him — “I am on my way to Vrindavan to worship Shri Krishna, yet here I am, chasing after fleeting desires.” 
Jolted awake by his own weakness, he forced himself to turn away and continued toward his destination to Vrindavan.
Shri Bilvamangala Thakura​

Why Did Shri Bilvamangala Thakura​ Pierce His Eyes ?

Further along the path, another woman caught his attention. Once again, he was drawn toward her, following her steps. This time, the woman was from a respectable household, and his pursuit led him straight to her doorstep.
Sensing his presence, the woman turned to her husband and said, “This man has been following me. Please ask him why he is here.”
The husband, observing Bilvamangal’s noble appearance, spoke with curiosity rather than anger. “My dear sir, you seem to be a saint, and from the way you carry yourself, it is clear you come from an aristocratic family. Tell me, what do you seek? Why have you followed my wife?”
Bilvamangal looked at the husband and said without hesitation, “Yes, I have been following your wife because I wish to embrace her.”
The husband remained calm and replied, “Oh, you want to embrace? Come on. You are welcome.” Turning to his wife, he instructed, “Oh, here is a saint. He wants to embrace you. So please decorate yourself nicely so that you can serve him.”
Without a question, the wife obeyed, for it was her duty to follow her husband’s words. As Bilvamangal stepped inside and stood before the woman, a wave of realization crashed over him. “These two are householders, yet they are willing to sacrifice everything in the service of a saint. And here I am — being a monk — forgetting Shri Krishna, chasing after worldly desires. Shame on me!”
Overcome with remorse, he turned to the woman and spoke with a trembling voice, “My dear mother, would you kindly give me your hairpins?”
The woman, puzzled, asked, “Yes, of course. But why do you need them?”
Shri Bilvamangal said, “I need them for something.”
As soon as she placed the hairpin in his hands, he gripped one tightly and, without a moment’s hesitation, pierced both of his eyes. Darkness consumed him as blood streamed down his face.
The husband and wife gasped in horror, rushing to him in panic. “We must take you to a doctor!”  they pleaded.
But Bilvamangal shook his head, his voice steady. “I am all right. These eyes were my enemy. Now, they will no longer distract me. From this moment on, I shall never waver again.”
Shri Bilvamangala Thakura​

When the Lord Himself Became His Care-taker

Blinded, Bilvamangal set out for Vrindavan, his heart heavy with regret. Tears streamed from his sightless eyes as he walked, remembering Shri Krishna with every step. Somehow he reached Vrindavan. He had not eaten anything for many days.
Then, Krishna came in the form of a Brajwasi boy and asked gently, “Oh dear, why are you starving? Why don’t you take some milk?” 
Bilvamangal lifted his head, “Who are you, my dear child?”
Krishna said, “I live in this village. I am a cowherd boy. My name is Gopal. If you wish, I can bring you milk every day.”
A faint smile touched Bilvamangal’s lips. “All right,” he agreed.
And so, Gopal (Krishna in the form of a Brajwasi boy) returned daily, offering him milk with affectionate care.
Over time, they became friends. As Bilvamangal composed his verses, Gopal would sit beside him, listening appreciatively.
Shri Krishna would personally give Bilvamangala Prasadam and lead him to a safe resting place.
Because he was blind, Bilvamangala didn’t know the identity of this sweet Brajwasi boy.
Shri Bilvamangala Thakura​

When Shri Bilvamangal Ji Realized, Gopal Was Krishna

One day, Gopal lifted his flute to his lips and played. The sound was unlike anything Bilvamangal had ever heard — “Pure, enchanting & divine.” A shiver ran through him, at that moment, a revelation struck Shri Bilvamangal Ji — This Brajwasi boy, so kind, so familiar. He was none other than the very Lord he had been yearning for, the eternal love of his heart.
Lord touched his eyes with the other hand and he got back his eyesight.
पुनः प्रसन्नेन्दुमुखेन तेजसा पुरोऽवतीर्णस्य कृपामहाम्बुधेः ।
तदेव लीलामुरलीरवामृतं समाधिविघ्नाय कदा नु मे भवेत् ।।
– Shri Bilvamangal Thakur Ji, Shri Krishna Karnamritam (34)
“When, again, will the Ocean of Mercy be manifested before me with the beneficent brightness of a moon face and interrupt my meditation, with the nectar of music from divine flute play.”
Overcome with devotion, he reached out, desperate to touch Krishna. But mischievous Gopal, ever playful, gently touched Shri Bilvamangal Ji’s hand, let out a sweet, melodic laugh, and then — just like that — He ran away.
With his heart overflowing, Shri Bilvamangal Ji, lost in divine ecstasy, began to sing…
हस्तमुत्क्षिप्य यातोसि बलात्कृष्ण किमद्भुतम् ।
हृदयाद्यदि निर्यासि पौरुषं गणयामि ते ॥
– Shri Bilvamangal Thakur Ji, Shri Krishna Karnamritam (3.97)
“Throwing off my hand, O Krishna, You’ve run away – what is so wonderful about that? I’ll consider You strong only if You can escape from my heart!”
Shri Bilvamangal Thakur Ji stayed under a tree in Brahma Kund, Vrindavan for 700 years using his yogic powers.
Shri Bilvamangala Thakura​

Compositions by Shri Bilvamangal Thakur Ji

Shri Bilvamangal Thakur Ji, poured his heart into many verses, each overflowing with love for Krishna. His most renowned work, Krishna Karnamritam, was among the first sacred texts to reveal the supreme position of Shri Radharani in Shri Krishna’s divine Madhurya Lila in Vrindavan.
Beyond Krishna Karnamritam, he also composed the Govind Damodar Stotra, a collection of 71 verses filled with the glories and praises of Shri Krishna.

The Lord Who Sees Only a Pure Heart

In this world, a person is condemned and cast aside forever if found guilty of immoral deeds. But Shri Krishna, ever merciful and boundlessly compassionate, does not dwell on one’s past mistakes. He seeks only the sincerity of the heart.
As soon as he sees that our intentions are pure, and we are genuinely striving to purify our life, He is eager to accept us.