Benefits of Chanting

chanting the holy name of god

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Benefits of Chanting
कृते यद्ध्यायतो विष्णुं त्रेतायां यजतो मखै: ।
द्वापरे परिचर्यायां कलौ तद्धरिकीर्तनात् ॥ ५२ ॥

In this age of Kaliyuga, chanting the holy names of God has proved to be one of the practices to provide the spiritual perfections in one’s life.


In the Kaliyuga, chanting yields the results of other religious practices performed in previous ages ( yugas ).


Sukadeva Gosvami explained to Maharaja Pariksit:


  • Whatever result was obtained in Satyayuga by meditating on Lord Vishnu, ( Average human lifespan of Satyuga was around 100,000 years and for God realization people use to meditate for several thousand of years )
  • In Tretayuga one use to get the same results by performing the sacrifices.
  • In Dvaparayuga by seeing the Lord’s lotus feet.


But in the Kali-yuga, the maximum duration of life being 100 years only and that combined with various difficulties, the recommended process of self-realization is that of hearing and chanting of the holy name of the Lord.


– Srimad Bhagavatam 12.3.52

how to chant

Chanting is beneficial

glories in the scriptures

golok vrindavan

hidden secrets of chanting

power of chanting

experiencing the internal potency

naama ruchi

how chanting is beneficial

which holy name to chant

how to chant

when & how many rounds

how to start brahmacharya

how to chant

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how chanting is beneficial & an easy method ?

There are many verses in the scriptures which helps us understand about the importance of chanting in this age and the similar related to chanting is found in the Viṣṇu Purāṇa (6.2.17), and also in the Padma Purāṇa (Uttara-khaṇḍa 72.25)and the Bṛhan-nāradīya Purāṇa (38.97):

dhyāyan kṛte yajan yajñais
tretāyāṁ dvāpare ’rcayan
yad āpnoti tad āpnoti
kalau saṅkīrtya keśavam

“Whatever is achieved by meditation in Satya-yuga, by the performance of sacrifice in Tretā-yuga, and by the worship of Lord Krishna’s lotus feet in Dvāpara-yuga is obtained in the Age of Kali simply by glorifying the name of Lord Keshava.

Srila Jiva Gosvāmi has further quoted from the Brahma-vaivarta Purāṇa concerning the degraded condition of people in Kali-yuga:

ataḥ kalau tapo-yoga-
vidyā-yajñādikāḥ kriyāḥ
sāṅgā bhavanti na kṛtāḥ
kuśalair api dehibhiḥ

“Thus in the Age of Kali the practices of,

  • Austerity,
  • Yoga,
  • Meditation,
  • Deity worship and sacrifice and so on, along with their various subsidiary functions, are not properly carried out, even by the most expert embodied souls.”

Srila Jiva Gosvāmi has also cited the Chaturmāsya-mahātmya of the Skanda Purāṇa concerning the necessity of chanting the holy names of the Lord:

tathā caivottamaṁ loke
tapaḥ śrī-hari-kīrtanam
kalau yuge viśeṣeṇa
viṣṇu-prītyai samācaret

“In this way the most perfect penance to be executed in this world is the chanting of the name of Lord Sri Hari. Especially in the Age of Kali, one can satisfy the Supreme Lord Viṣṇu by performing saṅkirtana.”

In conclusion, one should regularly chant the Naam of Sri Krishna, by which the human society can be rescued from the dangerous ocean of the Age of Kaliyuga ( which lasts for 432000 years & only about 5000 years has been passed )

scriptures singing the glories of the chanting of lord's name (naama)

In the Bhagavad Gita (10.25), Lord Krishna states,
यज्ञानां जपयज्ञोऽस्मि  – “Of sacrifices I am the chanting of My Holy Names.”
Chaitanya Charitramrit states,
harer nāma harer nāma harer nāmaiva kevalam
kalau nāsty eva nāsty eva nāsty eva gatir anyathā. ( Adi 17.21 )
    “For spiritual progress in this Age of Kali which is full of quarrel and hypocrisy,
  • there is no alternative,
  • there is no alternative,
  • there is no alternative to the Holy Name, the Holy Name, the Holy Name of the Lord.”
“In this Age of Kali, the Holy Name of the Lord, is the incarnation of Lord Krishna.
Simply by chanting the Holy Name, one associates with the Lord directly. Anyone who does this is certainly delivered.
 “This verse repeats the word “eva” [certainly]
  • 3 times for emphasis,
  • and it also 3 times repeats ‘harer nama’ [the Holy Names of the Lord], just to make common people understand.
kevala’-sabde punarapi niscaya-karana
jnana-yoga-tapa-karma-adi nivarana
“The use of the word ‘kevala‘ [only] prohibits all other processes, such as the
  • cultivation of knowledge,
  • practice of mystic yoga, or
  • performance of austerities and fruitive activities.
          anyatha ye mane
          tara nahika nistara nahi, nahi,nahi
          e tina ‘eva’-kara
 “This verse clearly states that anyone who accepts any other path ( other than the chanting of the name of the Lord ) cannot be delivered. 
This is the reason for the triple repetition ‘nothing else, nothing else, nothing else’, which emphasizes the real process of self-realization.”
In Srimad-Bhagavatam ( 12.3.51,52 ) it is said:
kaler dosa-nidhe rajann
asti hy eko mahan gunah
kirtanad eva krsnasya
mukta-bandhah param vrajet
“My dear King, although Kali-yuga is full of faults, there is still one good quality about this ageIt is that simply by chanting the Name of the God, one can become free from material bondage and be promoted to the transcendental kingdom.
dvapariyair janair visnuh
pancaratrais tu kevalaih
kalau tu nama-matrena
pujyate bhagavan harih
“In Dvapara-yuga one could satisfy Lord Krishna or Lord Vishnu only by worshiping Him gorgeously according to the pancaratrika system, BUT in the Age of Kali one can satisfy and worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead Hari simply by chanting the Name of the Lord ( from one’s tongue ).”
dharma-yoga-yaga-jnana-kanda parihari
ye bhajila krsna-nama sei sarvopari
“One who discards all other activities, like
  • religiosity,
  • yoga,
  • sacrifices,
  • fruitive activities,
  • empirical knowledge and so on;
          and simply worships the Naama ( name ) of the God becomes the topmost transcendentalist and worshipable by the whole world.”
There are innumerable verses signifying gthe importance of Chanting The Name of the Lord, we discussed just a few of them.
golok vrindavan
why Chanting The name of god is important

hidden secrets of chanting the holy name of the lord & its glories

The name of Sri Krishna or Sri Radha is no ordinary name of this material universe but comes directly from Vrindavan Prema Rasa.
The chanting of the syllables of the Lord’s name is always navin (new). Devotees have been chanting the naama of Lord Krishna & Sri Radha for 50-60 years and they always feel it new.
          There is no difference between Radha Krishna and their holy names.
          Sri Krishna’s pastimes ( leelas ) are always new, no matter how many times you hear them again and again. 
Similarly, the holy name of Sri Radha Krishna is always new, and with sincere chanting regularly, anybody can understand it’s inner confidential meaning.
  • The Rupa (form), 
  • Guna (quality), 
  • Leela (pastimes)
  • Dham (eternal spiritual Vrindavan) of Sri Krishna and Srimati Radharani is hidden in the holy name of Sri Radha Krishna for conditioned souls.
For those who by their,
  • lobha (greed), 
  • lalsa (desire)
  • kripa (mercy of Rasika Vaishnavas)
have attained nama-ruchi (taste for chanting Holy Names), for them, the holy nama is the sweetest and their most confidential treasure.
If anyone will listen to any favorite song on loop for 20 days one will get bored with it, but listen to the Kirtana of The Naama of the Lord or participate in sankirtan for years and yet it will feel new every single time and ever refreshing.
Though it’s another thing that even if you participate or listen to the Chanting of the Naama which comes out from your mouth for 6 months, or even say 1 month, you won’t be the same. 
The inner confidential aspects of Krishna will slowly manifest in your heart and you will get the further direction internally or through someone with due course of sincere chanting.
how to chant

power of chanting the naama

Chanting the Holy Name of Shri Radha Krishna is so powerful that one doesn’t need diksha (spiritual initiation) to wait for chanting the naama
Anybody can chant it anywhere, at any times, irrespective of any circumstance.
 Everything is hidden in the Naama of Shri Radha Krishna and it automatically guides the sincere seeker ( sadhaka ) to the guru tattva, and opens all the doors of prema-bhakti as the devotee takes the holy names in the mood of surrender and sincerity.
 Even imperfect chanting (nama-abhas) without any lobha (desire) for vraj-prema-bhakti, the naama easily gives mokhsa or liberation.
In fact moksha awaits devotees who even chant the naama imperfectly.
Even if a devotee might be having mundane material conditioningthat will eventually be cleansed away by the effect of chanting the holy names.
 The prime importance is sincerity and full surrender towards chanting of the naama ( purna sharanagati ) as mentioned in Srimad Bhagavad Gita (18.66).

How to experience the internal potency of the Naama of the lord ?

The best way to experience the hidden secret inside the divine naama of the Lord is to chant it endlessly.
Iron cuts iron (Loha Loha ko kat ta hain) and in the same way, naama manifests its real meaning (Naam hi naam ka swarup prakashit karte hain).
 The very fact is that it is so simple. Anybody can do it at any time under any circumstance.
Once if you take to chanting the naama and if you chant sincerely, everything comes from within. It will be like oh is it so simple? BUT It requires regular chanting to believe it to be true! One can experience it first hand.
In this Kali Yuga, the mind is the biggest enemy IF you have failed to control it AND it is the best of friends if you can control it.
( बन्धुरात्मात्मनस्तस्य येनात्मैवात्मना जित: । अनात्मनस्तु शत्रुत्वे वर्तेतात्मैव शत्रुवत् ॥ ६ ॥ – Bhagavad Gita 6.6 ).
 The mind easily becomes friends for devotees who chants the naama in full sincerity and surrender.
Listening to the harinaama sankirtan or the kirtana of the naama of the Lord further amplifies the desperation and greed to chant more, and guides the sincere seeker to inner aspects of the chanting.

Naama Ruchi !

Nama-ruchi is the taste for chanting the holy names of Lord.
At the nama-ruchi stage, the holy names descend from Goloka Vrindavan and dance on the tongue of the devotee.
It is shuddh nama and no more nama-aparadha and nama-abhas. 
Naam Ruchi comes after bhajan-kriya, anartha nivritti, nishtha, asakti and bhaava.
We should pray from Shri Radharani & Krishna for nama-ruchi, as, at this stage, one is constantly in lila-chintan and the guna, rupa, lila and dham aspect of nama manifests in the heart of one, by kripa (mercy) of Rasika Acaryas and Vrindavan Dham.
The special thing about chanting the naama of Sri Radha Krishna is that it doesn’t hold any sort of formality or aishwarya between Lord and the devotee but is madhurya or manifestation of exchange of prema (love) in the spontaneous form.
how chanting is beneficial
how to start chanting
power of mantra chanting

Which holy naam to chant ?

We may have heard people pronouncing / speaking the holy name – “Radha Krishna”, “Radha Krishna”, “Radha Krishna“, usually , but not everyone is aware of the mahima (importance) of these divine words.
Even though if they do not know its importance, still if they speak even once they are benefitted.
What to speak of those who are in love with chanting of this divine naam and it is always on their tongue?
Those are very rare.
All the holy names of Lord Krishna are of equal and great importance. A devotee who is connected with a particular sampradaaye should chant that holy name which is given or is chanted in the sampradaaye (sect) in which he is connected with.
The one who is not yet connected with any sampradaaye sect, can chant the above holy names as shown in the pictures.
These holy names are very powerful and it may seem to be made from the worldly alphabets but these are incarnated in this material world from the spiritual realm, The Abode Of God.
Never skip a day without chanting these holy names and a sincere seeker should chant it the maximum time of a day.
how to chant

when & how many rounds to chant ?

Whatever be the situation in life, do not give up CHANTING OF THE NAAMA.
One can chant the naama anywhere, anytime and any place, there are no restrictions of chanting the naama.
You can begin with 1 round ( 1 round = Each round requires chanting of the naama / mahamantra 108 times on prayer beads, as there are 108 beads on chanting beads and slowly increase it up to 16 rounds ( with 16 rounds being 1728 repetitions )
Topmost spiritual saints have established for us, chanting of 16 rounds as an ideal standard for going deeper into the bhajan  (spiritual life). 
If you are not chanting, start it slowly. Take fixed determination of chanting 1 round daily and then slowly you can increase your rounds. 
Chanting of the Nama is juthan ( embrace, remnants ) and the most confidential secret of exalted saints which they have given for the topmost spiritual advancement of the world.
The devotee is indebted to the Rasika Vaishnavas and saints for this and cannot pay for it whatever price or service is rendered to them.
We should take advantage of our good fortune and kripa (mercy), and chant with all sincerity.
The inner meaning and confidential aspects of prema-bhakti manifests as the devotee chants The Yugal Naama “Radha Krishna” or the “Hare Krishna Mahamantra” regularly with sincerity.
how to start brahmacharya

how to chant ?

In the below link, prabhu ji explains how to do the chanting on the japa beads.
( This link shows the chanting of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra on the beads, in the similar way one can chant the Yugal Nama – Radha Krishna, Radha Krishna, Radha Krishna, Radha Krishna, Radha Krishna, Radha Krishna, Radha Krishna also with this process )
One can start chanting preferably on the neem beads to begin with, below is the link,
” How Should I Chant ?


Questions People Ask About Chanting.

Chanting the Naama of the Lord is yogaYoga means “linking up with the Supreme,” or Sri Krishna and Krishna is present in His name so if you chant Yugal Nama or Hare Krishna, you’re doing the ultimate yoga. You’re in direct touch with Lord Krishna.


       Actually, the original purpose of yoga exercises was simply to quiet the mind and senses so that the yogi could meditate on the Supreme being in his heart: Now opportunists have watered yoga down and turned it into a health fad. 

Chant it anytime and anywhere. Stay “linked up” with Sri Krishna. That’s real yoga.

That’s fine, If you chant the naama, you’ll enter the ultimate interpersonal relationship. Sri Krishna, the Supreme, is present in His name. So by chanting His name purely, you’ll rediscover your unique relationship with Him.

In the spiritual world, some liberated souls relate to Sri Krishna as the Absolute and meditate on Him with awe and reverence.


Others relate to Him as master and serve Him with a sense of duty and respect.


And still others relate to Him as a friend and joke and play with Him. Some even relate to Him as their child and take care of Him. And others relate to Him as their lover. ( madhurya bhaava )


If you think about it, you’ll begin to see that whatever relationships you’ve experienced in this material world are feeble, short-lived imitations of the lasting relationships that the residents of the spiritual world enjoy with Krishna. The way to revive your own relationship with Krishna is to chant His names.

Here are four good reasons:

  • Birth,
  • Old age,
  • Disease, and
  • Death.


Sooner or later, we all have to face old age, disease, death, and birth and the rebirths. Of course, in our modern world we’ve managed to push these miseries fairly well out of sight. We’ve isolated the old people in the nursing homes and the diseased, dying, and newborn in the hospitals.


And our TV screens, feature films, newspapers, and billboards bombard us with images of youth, beauty, and health.


But we can fool ourselves only so long. Our turn will come. And then we’ll have to trade in our present body and get another, and on it will go, life after life. India’s Vedic literatures call this phenomenon the cycle of birth and death.


But if we chant the naama everyday regularly, we’ll revive our long-forgotten relationship with Lord Krishna. And Sri Krishna promises He’ll be our swift deliverer.

It would be a great idea. The Vedic literatures say, पुंसामन्ते नारायणस्मृति: remember Sri Krishna at the end of your life and you’ll go to live with Him in his abode. And the best way to remember Sri Krishna is to chant His names.


What you’re thinking about when you pass away will determine what happens to you in your next life.

If you’re thinking about your pet dog, you might come back with four legs instead of two. But whatever you come back as, you’re sure to get old and diseased and die, and, you’re sure to get another material body- unless you remember Sri Krishna, The Supreme Being.


If you chant Sri Radha Krishna’s names, you’ll return to the spiritual world and live there forever ( getting out of the clutches of karma & births & deaths )

How do you know, you’re not old already?


Actually, “old” just refers to someone who’s about to die, and who can be sure the “someone” isn’t him? You don’t have any guarantees that you’ll live to be 90? Better to start chanting the naama now and from today.


Another thing to consider: when you die, your mind and body will be going through all kinds of changes ( all senses gets weak & one has the less endurance physically as well as mentally ) and it will be impossible to chant unless you’ve been practicing from the young age.

You’re right. We all want happiness here and now. But we have to know where to look for it ?


Trying to find happiness in satisfying your body is like trying to eat pudding that has sand in it.


Whatever bodily happiness you experience is temporary; it won’t last.


And besides, it comes mixed with old age, disease, death, and rebirth. So when you opt for bodily happiness, you get a huge quotient of sand.


But the spiritual happiness you’ll find in your relationship with Krishna is 100% pure, and it lasts forever.


And if you chant the naama regularly, you can experience this lasting spiritual happiness for yourself, here and now.

The Yugal Nama Or Hare Krishna maha-mantra isn’t an ordinary sound of this material world.


The Supreme Sri Radha & Sri Krishna is present in the holy names, and because Sri Krishna is the reservoir of all spiritual pleasure, His names are also full of pleasure.


That’s why a great spiritual master once said, he wanted millions of ears to hear Krishna’s names and millions of tongues to chant them.



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Naam Ki Apaar Mahima ! ( Hindi )
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Kitni Jyada Mahima Hai Chanting Ki ? ( Hindi )
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Nistha In Chanting / Cautiousness required in chanting ? ( Hindi )